@InProceedings{Mills_CUG_20090506, author = {Richard T. Mills and Forrest M. Hoffman and Patrick H. Worley and Kalyan S. Perumalla and Art Mirin and Glenn E. Hammond and Barry F. Smith}, title = {Coping at the User-Level with Resource Limitations in the {C}ray {M}essage {P}assing {T}oolkit {MPI} at Scale: How Not to Spend Your Summer Vacation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 {C}ray {U}ser {G}roup ({CUG}) Conference}, dates = {4--7 May 2009}, location = {Atlanta, Georgia, United States}, day = 6, month = may, year = 2009, abstract = {As the number of processor cores available in Cray XT series computers has rapidly grown, users have increasingly encountered instances where an MPI code that has previously worked for years unexpectedly fails at high core counts (``at scale'') due to resource limitations being exceeded within the MPI implementation. Here, we examine several examples drawn from user experiences and discuss strategies for working around these difficulties at the user level.} }